Our God is a global God!

I’ve had such a good day today. I was worried earlier in the week that I’d feel really sad on Sunday because I wasn’t at home at church. I found an Anglican church here but the service was at 8am and I, ahem, didn’t make it. I also have to confess that, last week, Sunday seemed like any other day – this is because at Physics conferences, all the student stuff happens on the Sunday before the conference actually starts, so I had my poster up and had to learn how to copy files from one computer to another.

Today, I went to Arashiyama, which is an area of Kyoto outside the city centre, and I hired a bike and trundled around. I went through bamboo groves and into temples, along the streets and past the fields, along the river path and (partly) up a mountain. It was really nice, beautiful, picturesque and calm. And God was there with me.

Continue reading “Our God is a global God!”

The Eastons go East

this year we decided to send out a christmas letter to let our friends and family know about the exciting stuff that has happened this year. sadly we couldn’t send this to everyone we know because we didn’t have everyone’s addresses and because of the printing and postage costs! so here it is for your delectation!

Hello beautiful friends!

We hope this letter finds you well and we hope that you are looking forward to the Christmas break.

As most of you know, Serena, Farrah’s sister was healed of cancer in June. She had been diagnosed with terminal cancer almost two years ago and was told that there were no more options to help her. Continue reading “The Eastons go East”

dubai is cool! and very hot!

hi geezas! greetings from sunny dubai! farrah and i are out here visiting my sister elle, her husband ben and their little son harry. he’s gorgeous! we’re not sick of him yet after three days ;o)

it’s a bit muggy here but very warm, and much nicer than the -2 degrees we had in england last week! enjoying having a holiday from work, it’s our first proper holiday since the honeymoon over a year ago. but then, our friend paul pointed out that last month was his first proper holiday since his honeymoon 12 years ago, so we musn’t complain!

just signed up to facebook as well, it’s really good. can’t believe they give you unlimited photo storage! no more flickr, i reckon. took me a while to remember my oxford alumni address, though. oops.

it’s really funny, i had a prophetic dream a while back. it was about sitting here in dubai typing my livejournal on elle’s computer. i was confused at the time because i hadn’t yet signed up to livejournal, but now it makes sense! not a particularly helpful prophecy, i guess, but good to know God still has an interest in me!