to shame or encourage?

“you’re going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.”

— obi-wan kenobi

a point of view is a powerful thing. i’m thinking in particular about the examples of famous missionaries who gave up everything for God. Continue reading “to shame or encourage?”

passivity journal strikes again!

so I was meant to be keeping a passivity journal. sadly I’ve been too passive..

so here it is. today I have read my bible and I’m going to help out at church with the computers and go into college for my viva, which is scary. then fairy and I are going rock climbing!

in general a good day. I do need to pray and maybe write in my prayer journal, then I’d have done all the things I’m meant to do in a day!


hi all! here beginneth my passivity journal!

we talked about passivity at our church small group this week, and i need to be active about not being passive! i’ve decided to keep a log of when i’ve been passive and when i’ve been active. the activity of keeping a log is the first step to not being passive, because i actually have to do something! fun!

today i was sitting in church and didn’t feel like going to talk to anyone. then i realised that was passive and i’d have to write it down, so i went and talked to someone, and it was actually ok! i still found it hard, but it was the right thing to do. as i keep going with this i’m hoping it’ll get easier.

i didn’t do everything on my to do list this weekend, but it did do more than i would usually do.


i’m really bad at this posting malarky. ah well!

had an amazing weekend, loads of old friends over, brought back many happy memories. i don’t like having to work!!

did my first london commute on tuesday. yukky. left home at 7.30am and got back at 6.30pm. normal by many people’s standards, but i couldn’t do it for life. i’m so lucky to live five minutes from work. day went quite well as well, and this week has good because there’s not too much going on, so i can catch up on the backlog and have a bit of time to muck about.

my stomach hurts, but i think it’s pyschosomatic because i didn’t want to go to football training… i’m so lazy…

sense of adventure

howdy geezas.

i’m feeling a little rubbish. i’ve not allowed God to have a very big part in my life recently. been a bit lazy, got out of routine. now i’ve completed knights of the old republic, i’ve become less computer-obsessed, and remembered what i used to fill my time with… i led worship for some yoovs on suday and it was really exciting. it challenged me. i need to find the excitement i had while at uni. i don’t know if it’s because i’m fatter, but i seem to go slower at everything! probably because of working 9 til 5 as well. i really miss the freedom of uni, being able to arrange my time how i want. being able to just stop and follow where God might want me to go, because i have a responsibility to my wife and my job.

Continue reading “sense of adventure”


yesterday our small group did a bible study about apathy.

it was based on the parable of the good samaritan, which i’ve never really thought of about apathy, i always thought the priest and levite walked by on the other side because they were afraid of the robbers, but it hit me that apathy is simply not caring enough to overcome whatever holds you back. it may be fear, busyness or indifference, but if you truly cared enough you would do something to help. that is apathy—letting anything stop you from acting when you know you should.

so, you people that read this journal, it’s your job to make sure i do something about it. our small group want to run a project for the needy people of woking. we don’t know who they are or what they want, but we will find out and do it! please don’t let anything get in the way, don’t let apathy overcome me, because i believe that with God’s help i can overcome apathy.