My Dream 我的梦相

In my spoken Chinese class this week, each student gave a speech titled My Dream. This is a very important idea in China, and many young people speak of their Dream almost as a loved one: it is their inspiration, their source of strength and courage, and their hope for the future.

My Chinese is still pretty basic, but I was pleased with what I was able to say. After the spoken class, I wrote down my speech in more formal language (and got my teacher to correct the mistakes for me!)



This is my English version:

I have a dream. My dream is for everyone to live unselfishly, considering other people more important than themselves, living together like a family. I believe that when people live in this way, we can bring an end to war, because when every person can live unselfishly, every country can also act unselfishly, considering the needs of other countries as even more important than the needs of their own country. Conflicts can be resolved peacefully.

I know this dream is extraordinarily difficult to achieve, almost ludicrously naïve and idealistic. But because I am a Christian, I truly believe this dream can become a reality. When someone meets God, then God starts to help them to transform into an less selfish person. Someone who knows God should not only consider other people more important than themselves, but also consider the things of God more important than their own issues. I believe every person has their own destiny, which is given to them by God. If every one of us followed God’s plan for our lives, then we would all become unselfish people. Then my dream would become reality.

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