When we’ve been out walking all day, sometimes I might need a bit of help on the home stretch…

Mother’s hand is waiting for yours to hold

Chinese people have a saying: “尊老爱幼,” which means, “Respect the old and cherish the young.” These traditional attitudes and priorities are part of the reason I really love Chinese culture, but many such ideas are being eroded in modern society, often by the influence of western culture.

The story below was in my reading textbook this week, and it really touched a nerve with me. I’ve included the whole story, and translated it into English as best as I’m able.

Continue reading “Mother’s hand is waiting for yours to hold”

My gorgeous family at the end of a lovely day

Beihai Park and Tiananmen


Beihai Park and Tiananmen, a set by Matt Easton on Flickr.

Yesterday we went on a little trip to see the Tian’anmen and Beihei Park. It was very beautiful.

The Great Wall


We went to The Great Wall of China this weekend. Here are some of our photos: The Great Wall, a set by Matt Easton on Flickr.

Zachariah Michael

So, Zach has been with us a few days now. He is the most amazing person, the way he grows so quickly, even in three days. His neck is getting stronger, his legs are stretching, wriggling and pushing, and his head is becoming less deformed each day!

Zachariah means The LORD remembers, and we believe this is a prophecy over him, that through all his life he will know that God is with him and God is for him. Continue reading “Zachariah Michael”