
Ten days ago I was feeling happy and fat after Christmas, but I had no idea what I would be doing for the immediate future. Since then so much has happened it feels like I have been picked up in a whirlwind! It’s so amazing to look back on what has happened and see how God has been leading me through.

The first thing that happened was that I got a part-time job as a Music Technician at LST. I had the interview last Monday and was working two days later! So this has filled in my Wednesdays and Thursdays. I’m really excited about this job, even though it is quite different to anything I’ve done before (at least, anything I’ve been paid to do!) and the college is such a nice place to work. A great community to be a part of.

The next thing was a contact in Hong Kong putting me in touch with a Language Acquisition Course, which prepares you for learning a language and gives you the tools for learning well, and I may even get a scholarship to do this! It’s a part-time distance learning course for six weeks, so I can fit it around the other things I’m doing.

Another thing was starting Chinese lessons at the Qinghua school in Harrow on Saturday! It was so much fun! It’s going to be hard work (the language acquisition course should help!) but we should be a bit better prepared when we go to China.

Then today I went up to UCL (University College London) to talk to an old colleague about getting involved in some physics research, in the field of charged particle therapy, which is what I did my PhD in. It sounds like a great opportunity, and I think it really complements the part-time job as a music tech. Hopefully I’ll be writing more about this soon.

The last thing is the chance to design a website for a friend. It’s something I’ll enjoy, and I don’t get much opportunity for this these days!

So much has happened in ten days! I can’t get over how “looked after” I feel!

One problem I need to head off straight away is overworking. All of these things are things I love doing, and I need to set up boundaries so I don’t work till 3am every day writing code, playing with servers, researching technologies, etc… I have lots to learn in every field but as long as I plan my time well, I should be in for a very exciting few months!

God is good.

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